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Terms & Conditions Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers  


Swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and preschoolers are charged at £12 per 30-minute class. Payment is made in blocks every half term or every term. Customers are given this option at the time of booking. Price will depend on how many weeks in the current half term/term.

Swimmers will be offered a free taster for their first lesson. We cannot guarantee to put siblings and friends in the same class but we will try our best to accommodate where possible.



Payment is required before the first lesson to secure your child’s place. Payments are to be made by bank transfer. Payments cannot be carried over for missed lessons or transferred to another swimmer. A late payment fee of £10 will be charged if payment is not made in a timely manner.



Your child’s place is booked once first payment is received for the full term or half term. Re-booking will take place 2 weeks before the new term starts. You will be given priority at re-booking so please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to continue swimming with us for the next term. If we do not hear back from you before the cutoff date, 1 week before the term starts,  we will assume you no longer require your space and it will be given to someone on the waiting list.

Unfortunately, we cannot issue refunds, offer replacement lessons or transfer lessons to a later date if you are unable to attend your lesson as our costs still need to be met every week.



Once in  a while we may have to cancel your lesson; you will be notified of this via the contact details you give us. Please make sure your contact details are up to date and you let us know of any changes.

In the event of a cancellation by us we will issue a refund of £12 for the value of the lesson or offer you an extra lesson on the next half term/term.


5.Changing days/time

If you wish to change the day or time of your lesson, please let us know via email or text and we will do our best to give you another option, however this is subject to availability.

6.Medical Conditions/Illnesses

Please let us know of any medical conditions that your child has.

No swimmer should come to a lesson if they have sickness or diarrhea, they must be clear of symptoms for 48 hours before retuning. We also recommend that your child does not swim if they have a heavy cold, ear infection or sinusitis.


7. COVID-19 Policy

The health and safety of our customers and staff is very important. Following government guidelines, we have put together a COVID-19 policy to ensure we are creating a safe place for your child to enjoy their swimming lesson.

The full COVID-19 policy has been sent to all customers via email before they start lessons. If you wish to have a printed copy, please let us know.


  • Do NOT attend lessons if your child or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms OR you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

  • Arrive swim ready for lessons no more than 5 minutes before your lesson start time.

  • Wear a mask at all times when moving around the building and spectating.

  • Follow our social distancing guidance and only one parent to attend with their child where possible.

If your child tests positive for COVID-19 please let us know immediately as this has a knock-on effect to our business.


8.Code of Conduct

Swimmers should not eat at least 1 hour prior to their swimming lesson.

Please ensure noise is kept to a minimum while you wait on poolside for your lesson to start.

To help keep the pool clean please ensure children shower and use the toilet before the lesson starts, spectators must take off outdoor footwear or use the blue shoes provided.

Children must not enter the water before their swimming lesson has started and they must not get back into the water once their swimming lesson has finished.

Children who are not toilet trained must use the double nappy system, if you are unsure, please ask a member of staff.

Running is not permitted on poolside and children must be supervised at all times. Belle’s Bubbles staff are only responsible for children when they are in the water, not in changing rooms or for siblings who are spectating.

All jewellery must be removed and long hair must be tied up before entering the pool for the swimmer's safety.



The use of mobile phones is prohibited on poolside, changing rooms and toilets. Photography and recording are not allowed during swimming lessons. If parents wish to take photos of their own child, they must speak to the swimming teacher first so it can be carried out without safeguarding principles been compromised.

Occasionally we will ask to take photos for marketing and social media use, this will not be done without permission from the parent/guardian.


10.Personal Information

From time to time, we may need to contact you (for example in the event of a lesson cancellation), so please provide an email and preferred phone number and keep us up to date with any changes.

Belle’s Bubbles Swim School stores personal information including names, addresses, dates of birth, contact details and relevant medical information.


11.Lost property

Belle’s Bubbles Swim School will not accept liability for the loss or damage to any personal belongings that are bought to the venue (worn or left on the poolside/changing rooms). We ask that no valuable property is bought into the venue.



Belle’s Bubbles Swim School is committed to providing the best service we can, but we understand that things can occasionally go wrong or you may be unhappy with the service provided. If at any point you are unhappy with the service provided, please follow this procedure:

Speak to the swimming teacher from Belle’s Bubbles and they will be happy try to resolve the matter.

If you are not satisfied with the response, please submit a written complaint by email to


13.Contact Us

It is important that all customers at Belle’s Bubbles Swimming School agree and adhere to our terms and conditions and code of conduct.

Your signature on the booking form provided is taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions. Please return this booking form and keep a copy of the terms and conditions for your future reference.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone 07772936007, we will be happy to help.

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